general INFORMATION: Winter season
Registration Fees
upcoming 2025 seasons
- Spring: April 23
- Summer: July 9
- Fall: Oct 8
- Number of Players: Teams consist of 8 players on the field, including the goalkeeper.
- Coed Requirements: There must be a minimum of 2 female players in the outfield field at all times.
- Roster Size: Rosters must have a minimum of 10 players and maximum of 14 players.
- A forfeit will be declared after 10 minutes if a team can’t field the minimum required players.
- Two forfeits eliminates a team from playoff consideration.
- Only paid ASL league members are allowed to play. NO EXCEPTIONS. If a team has fewer than 6 players, the team has the option to pick up players from within the league to keep from forfeiting the game. A team must have at least 4 players from your existing team roster and can pick up 2 additional players to reach the minimum requirement. Picking up 2 more players to reach 8 total is allowed at the discretion of league staff and at the approval of the opposing team. However, these substitute players must have an ASL shirt and play within the league.
- Teams can make unlimited substitutions, but only when the ball is out of play and only with the authorization of the referee. A player that has already been substituted can participate again by substituting another player. Player substitutions must happen at the half field line and the exiting player must be off the field before the new player enters the field. Any major injury will stop play.
game duration
- The game is two 24 minute halves separated by a 4 minute half time.
- Regular season games may end in a tie.
- If a game is called in the 2nd half, it will be considered a full game and the score is final.
- A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line completely. No team shall win or achieve a differential of more than +5, even if the team won by more than 5 goals.
- Coed League: Female goals count as 2 points.
slide tackling
- Slide tackles are prohibited, even if unintentional. If a slide occurs near a player the referee may call a foul and may issue a caution (yellow card) or expel the player (red card). A free kick is given to the opposing team of the slide tackler. The goal keeper will be exempt from this rule only if they slide and attempt to make a “save” on the ball when no opposing players are within 5 yards.
out of bounds
- Anytime the ball goes over either sideline, out of bounds, a throw in will ensue. The person throwing the ball must throw the ball overhead with both hands and keep both feet remaining on the ground out of bounds until the ball is released. The team that did not touch the ball last gets the throw in. Goals may not be scored on a throw in.
- Anytime the ball crosses an end line, a corner kick or goal kick will ensue.
- Last touched by the defending team is a corner kick. Ball is placed on the nearest corner and kicked in by the offensive team. Goals may be scored on corner kicks.
- Last touched by the offensive team is a goal kick by the defense. All opposing players must be outside the penalty box when it is kicked.
- Goalkeepers may use their hands inside the penalty box. Goalkeepers may throw, roll, punt, drop kick or place the ball down and kick.
free kicks and penalty kicks
- Defenders should be at least 8 yds for free kicks and corners, 5 yds for dropped ball, and 2 yds for throw-ins.
- Penalty kicks are awarded by the referee if a foul occurs in the penalty box and anyone may take the kick.
- Penalty kicks will be taken 12 yards from the goal line in the middle.
- A direct kick will be rewarded if Advantage had not been given/played or the Yellow Card was the result of dead-ball behavior; contact fouls and outfield hand-balls; contact made on sliding offenses.
- An indirect kick will be rewarded on non-contact fouls; goalkeeper hand-balls (either outside the box or from an intentional back pass); offside; dangerous plays; sliding offenses without contact; and further keeper infractions. Indirect free kick violations do not result in penalty kicks.